Expert Indoor Air Quality Solutions For Your Home
Here at Mobley Heating and Air, one of our primary goals is to make sure that you and your family have access to the various services you need achieve the perfect level of comfort and safety in your home, and indoor air quality is a very important factor in that equation. Our air conditioning company offers a variety of different quality indoor air quality solutions to make sure that you and your family have what you need to stay a bit healthier and breath a bit easier inside your home.

Air Cleaners
One great way to enhance the quality of the air inside your home is with a brand new whole home air cleaner. While portable versions of these do exist, they usually aren't suited to filtering the air in more than one room of your home at a time. By having our team of local air conditioning and heating experts come out and install a whole home solution directly into your existing heating and air conditioning system, you can effectively filter the air flowing through your entire home all at once, removing harmful allergens and contaminants that might cause irritation and health issues for you and your family over time.
Learn More About Air Cleaners
While too much moisture in the air can start to make things feel uncomfortable, the opposite is also true. During the winter months, when the air is naturally going to be a bit dryer, you and your family can really benefit from the installation of a high quality humidifier. Having the right amount of moisture in the air will not only help to keep your home feeling warmer, even when the thermostat isn't necessarily set that high, but it can also help to reduce irritation to your sinuses and respiratory system, and even help to prevent itchy, dry, and cracking skin. If your home always feels dry in the winter, give our team of experts a call today and let us show you the difference a whole home humidifier can make.
Learn More About Humidifiers
UV Lighting
UV-C light used for disinfection works by disrupting the cellular membranes of microorganisms, damaging their DNA or RNA. The UV-C light causes a reaction between two thymine molecules that make up the base of DNA. This initial reaction causes other adjacent thymine molecules to also become defective, inhibiting the ability for the microorganism to replicate its DNA. If the microorganism is unable to replicate, then it is rendered harmless, which indicates successful UV disinfection.
Learn More About UV LightingIf You Are in Need of Professional Air Conditioning or Heating Services, Then Please Call 770-939-6998 or Complete Our Online Request Form.